clear aligners Simi Valley

Invisalign Clear Aligners
in Simi Valley, CA

Straighten your smile with a series of removable, nearly-invisible clear aligners for a subtle solution to misaligned teeth.

clear aligners in Simi Valley

Why should I choose Invisalign clear aligner therapy?

Experience the convenience of Invisalign clear aligners if you desire a stunning smile with less food restrictions, fewer appointments, and a virtually invisible aesthetic. You will receive several sets of aligners at a time and will change them as directed, each set moving you one step closer to a perfect smile.Invisalign clear aligners is a tool that Dr. Albert uses to correct a variety of orthodontic problems. It is important to choose a provider that is skilled and experienced with clear aligners, such as Invisalign, as results will vary between each doctor. It is the doctor who treats you, not Invisalign, much like a doctor treats you with braces, not the company who manufactures them. Get the smile you’ve always dreamed of, discreetly.

Did you know…

tooth icon

There are no limitations to eating your favorite foods during clear aligner therapy.

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Goodbye Goopy Impressions!

Digital scanning has made creating your custom Invisalign aligners more precise and easier than ever.  Say goodbye to goopy impression trays and hello to your best smile yet!


Invisalign, the original clear aligner therapy, utilizes a patented material called SmartTrack. Invisalign can treat mild to severe misalignment cases while maintaining a subtle look and feel throughout the process.

Virtual Care

This user-friendly technology monitors your progress in between office visits to ensure your treatment stays on track.

The Benefits of Clear Aligners

Comfortable Fit

Clear aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth without the need for brackets or wires, resulting in a comfortable fit that's tailored to your smile.

Removable Aligners

Unlike traditional braces, clear aligners are removable, making it easy to eat and drink what you want and keep up with your oral hygiene routine.

Quick Results

Clear aligner therapy can often align your smile in less time than traditional braces, allowing you to achieve your desired results faster.

The Clear Aligner Therapy Treatment Process


At your initial consultation, Dr. Albert will assess whether Invisalign is a suitable option for you. The first step is completing a comprehensive orthodontic evaluation. We will go over your 3D X-rays, check the alignment of your teeth and condition of your bite. Additionally, you will discuss your smile goals with us and together determine a treatment plan that is tailored to meet your specific needs and lifestyle.

iTero Digital Scan

We will use our iTero scanner to take a digital scan of your teeth. From there, Dr. Albert will digitally design your perfect smile on a computer using Invisalign’s Clincheck software. The digital design will then be used to manufacture your custom clear aligners.

Teeth Movement Begins

You will receive your Invisalign clear aligners! We will give you several sets of aligners and go over any instructions. Most patients will wear their aligners for 1 to 2 weeks before changing to the next set.  

Before & Afters

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.
Before ImageAfter Image

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

How do clear aligners work?

Clear aligners leverages technology to create a series of custom-made aligners that gradually guide your teeth to their ideal position. Each aligner tray is worn for about two weeks. Treatment time can vary depending on severity.  

What are attachments?

Aligner attachments are tooth colored bumps that are placed on your teeth that help move them to the desired position. Attachments are placed only where needed and are necessary for efficient treatment. They come in different sizes and shapes and are removed at the end of treatment.  

Are clear aligners faster than traditional braces?

Clear aligner therapy can often provide quicker results than traditional braces. However, every case is different, so treatment time can vary depending on your unique needs.

What is the difference between clear aligner therapy and traditional braces?

Clear aligners use virtually invisible trays called aligners to gently and discreetly shift your teeth. Traditional braces rely on metal or ceramic brackets that are secured to each tooth and connected by metal wires. Clear aligners are also more comfortable than traditional braces because there are no sharp points to cause discomfort, and they are easily removable for meals, photos, and other functions.

How much do clear aligners cost?

The cost of clear aligners can vary from patient to patient depending on factors like the aligner brand and insurance coverage. To get an estimate of the cost for your clear aligner therapy, schedule a consultation with your orthodontist.

Get Ready to Smile, It’s Good for the Soul!

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